Free proxy is a free service provided by ABCProxy to users. Use our
advanced software to unlock access to a reliable and up-to-date list
of free proxy servers. Our database of over one million running
proxy servers is regularly monitored and tested every 30 minutes.
Get the most reliable free proxy list online, absolutely free.
Not happy with the speed and reliability of free proxies?
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Choose and buy a proxy, try ABCProxy secure proxy
Residential Proxies,
Lowest price $0.77/GB-90Days,
this plan includes:
Unlimited Concurrent Sessions
Unlimited API calls
Unlimited Extractions
Exclusive server
$50200 IP
Residential (Socks5) Proxies,
Lowest price $0.045/IP,
this plan includes:
Global 200 M+ Real IP Addresses
Unlimited bandwidth
Invalid IP refundable
Unused IP balance does not expire
24 hours
unlimited traffic usage
Unlimited Traffic Rotating residential proxies, this plan includes:
50+ regions worldwide
Unlimited Concurrent Sessions
Unlimited API calls
Unlimited Extractions
Exclusive server
Customized plan?
Contact Sales:
Get started with a private, cost-effective proxy solution today!
Frequently Asked Questions About Free Proxy List
What is a free proxy list?
A free proxy list is a compilation of proxy server
IP addresses and corresponding port numbers that are made available to
the public at no cost. These proxies can be used to mask your IP
address and access blocked content.
Are free proxy lists safe to use?
Free proxy lists often pose security risks. Many free proxies lack
proper encryption and may log and sell user data, potentially
compromising your privacy and security. It’s advisable to use paid
shared or private proxies for enhanced safety.
Can I rely on the speed and performance of free proxies?
Free proxies are notorious for slow connection speeds and frequent
downtime due to high demand. They often suffer from limited bandwidth,
resulting in sluggish browsing experiences. Paid proxies offer
dedicated resources, ensuring faster and more reliable performance.
Can I access geo-restricted content with free proxies?
While some free proxies may provide limited access to geo-restricted
content, they are easily detected and blocked by websites and
services. Paid shared and private proxies offer broader accessibility,
enabling bypassing of geographical restrictions.
What is the risk of using a shared IP address from a free proxy
Free proxy lists often assign multiple users to the same IP address.
If one user engages in illicit activities, the IP address can become
blacklisted, affecting all users sharing it. Paid shared proxies
distribute users across multiple IP addresses, reducing this risk.
Can I maintain a clean IP reputation with free proxies?
Free proxies are more likely to have IP addresses associated with
suspicious activities, which can harm your IP reputation. Paid shared
proxies and private proxies provide exclusive IP addresses, ensuring a
clean reputation and uninterrupted browsing.
Do free proxy lists offer customer support?
Free proxy users typically have limited or no access to customer
support. Paid proxy services, however, offer reliable customer support
to address any issues or provide assistance promptly.
Can I use free proxies for secure transactions or online banking?
It is highly discouraged to use free proxies for secure transactions
or online banking. These proxies lack the necessary security measures,
making your sensitive information vulnerable to interception or data
Can I trust the anonymity of free proxy lists?
Free proxy lists cannot guarantee reliable anonymity. Many of these
proxies are easily detectable by websites and services, compromising
your anonymity. Paid shared and private proxies provide stronger
anonymity measures, ensuring a more secure browsing experience.
How to get a safe and reliable proxy?
You can try to buy ABCProxy , which has a
preferential price lower than the market, 200M+ proxy IP address
resources, and supports HTTP(s)/SockS5 protocol. Proxy services
provided include: residential proxy, Socks5 proxy, static residential
proxy, exclusive data center proxy, and iSP proxy.
Cheap, Safe and Reliable Residential Proxy
Over 200M+ Residential IP address
Prices Starts From $0.045/IP & $0.77/GB